PARTNERS LIFE Goes Digital: Embracing a Paperless Future

04/10/2023 16:39:05 Comment(s) By Pracca

Email is Easy

In keeping with the modern trend towards digital-first experiences, Partners Life is thrilled to introduce the choice for its clients to receive their policy-related communications via email instead of traditional mail. To enhance this transition, Partners Life has revamped the appearance of its emails, ensuring they carry the distinctive Partners Life identity and keep clients well-informed.


The process is simple—clients can either send an email to Partners Life at or conveniently scan the QR code provided in the flyer. Following the onscreen instructions, they can effortlessly make the shift to email communication.


This initiative not only aligns with the digital age but also ensures that clients remain up-to-date with all critical updates and information. Partners Life is dedicated to providing a seamless and efficient experience for its valued customers.
