首套房购买讲座 2022年11月21号
How to own your first home in New Zealand?
This online webinar was held by our financial adviser Paul Lin, and we invited Solicitor Valarie Lee as our guest speaker.
It is designed to help first home buyers, with useful information such as the process of purchasing a house, how to apply home loan, and things to be checked before purchase.
怎样在新西兰拥有您的首套房产呢?为第一次买房的客人答疑解惑,我们邀请到了律师Valarie LEE 和我们的贷款顾问Paul LIN 一起为您奉上这期的线上讲座。您会从中了解到买房的流程,贷款的流程,以及买房之前需要注意查看的事项。