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NZ-Pathfinder Financial Services

Phoebe DU

Manager | Wealth coach

Phone:       021 688 118
2/11 Leslie Hills Drive
Christchurch 8011

PO Box 5586, 


Christchurch 8542

Phoebe's Bio
Phoebe's Bio

Phoebe worked for ANZ for 14 years in a wide range of businesses, including private banking and personal banking. Along the journey, she have not only learnt everything about banking, but also managed to establish a strong network of individuals and clients.

Thanks to this part of her career life, 14 years of banking experience has enriched her knowledge and experience in personal finance and investment. From managing personal bank account to managing personal wealth and investment portfolio. She believes that Wealth Management and Financial Planning are very important and meaningful. It is inseparable from individual's life plan.

More recently she has devoted herself in uplifting the wealth management skills for her clients. She help people to improve their wealth mindset and financial literacy, to manage their personal wealth from the daily life practice so that they are able to achieve their financial goals.

Why do many people earn a lot of money but are not wealthy? It is because they do not have the ability to manage their money and themselves well. Spending money is a discipline. Those who can achieve wealth freedom must not only be able to make money, but also know the right way to spend it. As 《Rich Dad》says, “In the long run, it's not how much money you make that matters, but how much you can keep and how long you can keep it."

Money management is about life management, and you need a detailed plan for where you should spend your money - a money plan. She will use her expertise to be your most trusted money coach on your path to wealth freedom.